Squash and Pigs

Vegetable garden is so variable for us.  This year seemed extreme.  We failed miserably with corn and tomatoes.  We did well with green beans, radishes, turnips and Swiss chard, like usual.  The beets were eaten again by something, and the parsnips are pitiful.  The basil did tolerably OK, and the onions were a bust.  The carrots are middling.  I might actually get rice for the first time.  The potatoes were middling as well.  The sunflowers did OK.  The cucumbers did fine as they usually do.  But the squash went crazy this year.  We usually do OK with squash, but this year is insane.  We grew large pumpkins I will be able to carve for Halloween.  I have never had such large pumpkins before.  And the acorn, spaghetti and gold nugget squashes went wild.  Here is one wheelbarrow full, and there is at least one more wheelbarrow full out there yet to pick.

I figure squash are a good thing to grow.  If we cannot eat it all, the critters can.  Here is Charlotte eating one of the pumpkins.

So Charlotte remains the friendlier of the pigs.  I pet her most days (some days she would prefer just to eat).  But she was always the smaller of the two.  Now I am not sure.  Here are some comparison photos.  Please let me know what you think.

Babe in front

Charlotte in front

Babe on left and Charlotte on right

Charlotte on bottom and Babe on top of photo


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4 Responses to Squash and Pigs

  1. Do you have squash bugs in your part of the country? They are terrible here – I planted a TON of squash seedlings and ended up with one pumpkin and one banana squash along with some gourds. It’s a horrible problem. If so, how do you deal with them?

  2. Jeanne says:

    Love the pictures!! And I enjoyed the story.

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