
So for chicks we have 4 hay loft chicks (crosses from our current chickens) and the chicks from McMurray hatchery.  These were 15 All Heavies, 16 Araucanas, 1 Speckled Sussex and 1 surprise chick.  So now I am trying to figure out what I have exactly.  I would love any input you have into this.

Hayloft Bielefelder mix?

black and white chick

Buff Orpington?

buff chick

Hayloft Bielefelder mix?

red and black chick


yellow and black chick

Hayloft Bielefelder mix?

yellow and black chick_2


yellow and black chick_3

Black Australorp?

black chick

Columbian Wyandotte?

white chick

Dark Brahma? (surprise chick?)

surprise chick3

Rhode Island Red?

red chick3


black and yellow chick

Barred Rock?

black and white barred chick

Speckled Sussex?

speckled chick

Any ideas???

yellow and gray chick


black and white stripped chick


black and white chick2_2


red and black chick barred 2

And here are the chicks are their new, clean shavings.

chicks on clean shavings

In other news, one of the peahens laid an egg finally, but in a bad spot, right nest to a pen door.  So we are not optimistic about this.

peahen egg

And Peppa and George have graduated to the pig trough.

pigs new trough

The goats still enjoy bamboo.

goats eating bamboo

And Ryeleigh’s new duck toy arrived today.  And she loves it.  You can see she is preferring it to the gutted Mr. Bill.  Maybe we have a winner?!?  Thanks Jeanne!

Ryeleigh and duckRyeleigh and duck2

Lastly for dinner I made Pork Loin Chops with Roasted Rhubarb.  Here it is about to go in the oven,


and here it is on my plate.  I ate less than half of it, but it was really good.  And it is truly a farm meal as the pork, rhubarb and beans are from our farm.


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6 Responses to Chicks

  1. What a wonderful little brood!

  2. Jeanne says:

    I love all your pictures!! Thanks for sharing them!!

  3. Jeanne says:

    I forgot to mention that your pork loin chops and roasted rhubarb sounds really delicious! I never would have thought of making something like that! Do you plan to make it again?

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