Farm and Foods

We continue to try to spoil the pigs.  Today they got bagels, biscuits and cookies as well s some blackberries and plums.


I tried to put the hurt rooster in with the peachicks.  Here is a photo with the littlest chick interested in him.  Unfortunately shortly after this he pecked the poor chick so he was removed.  I put him out in the general chicken population, and Little Red attacked him horribly.  Two LR is in the rabbit hutch, and he is hanging out.  His limp is worse after the attacks but he is walking.  I hope this works out.

peachick and buff rooster

I moved the cows yesterday, and Ryeleigh decided she needed to howl at them.  So cute!

In food news, I decided I needed roquefort dressing a little while ago.  But finding the cheese was challenging.  We finally found it, and I finally made my favorite dressing out of my You Can’t Eat Mount Rainier! blog.  So good!img_4337img_4338img_4341

For last night’s dinner, I decided that some of our corn was finally ripe.  So we fashioned a meal around the corn.    It was our hamburger with our tomatoes and melted cheddar with our piccalilli and our corn on the cob.  This is seriously the best corn I have ever had.  It was incredible!


Today I decided to try to make sugar-free fermented bread and butter pickles.  I love these pickles but really shouldn’t have the sugar . Here it is before the brine went in.


I also dried some mint and lemon balm for wintertime tea making.


For dinner tonight we decided to try a recipe from our newspaper (which is now coming in the mail as we have no carrier).  The recipe is Bacon, Basil and Tomato Skillet Corn.  So we could use our bacon, basil, tomatoes and corn  in the recipe.  Here it is all cooked up.


We accompanied it with our baked pork chops.


It was really good.  Tom bought Hatch peppers as there were no Poblanos at the store.  It was a little spicy, but the pork chops definitely helped.  A keeper recipe.

Then we picked, blanched, cut and froze some green beans and corn.


Over dinner we discussed whether we could live exclusively off our farm.  Salt and pepper came up as something essential that we cannot grow.  So no plans for attempting this.

P.S. I drove by my old house (1995-2002).  It recently sold for $400,000.  Apparently there are plans to clear the trees for horse pasture which makes me sad.

img_4334img_4335P.P.S.  I finished Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher: The Epic Life and Immortal Photographs of Edward Curtis by Timothy Egan today.  What an incredible book!  Highly recommended!

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4 Responses to Farm and Foods

  1. mcfwriter says:

    Yum, that skillet bacon/corn recipe has my mouth watering. I have a neighbor with great fresh corn, so am going to get some this weekend and make that!

    And yes, that book about Curtis by Timothy Egan is great, isn’t it? I read it a couple years ago and learned so much – I had no idea! I got Curtis’ portfolio books from the library after I read Egan’s book. Some truly amazing photos. It makes me sad that we lost so much history to the genocide of Native Americans.

    And you reminded me – I need to dry some lemon balm (and mint, and lemon verbena). I’m picking my hops tomorrow – they are so pretty but I need to pull the vine down to get to all of them.

    • Donna says:

      Sounds like a great weekend dish! I had no idea about Curtis really either. I do have a book with his photos but now know more if the history. I will be looking at the photo book again with a new perspective. Good luck with your herb drying.

  2. Jeanne says:

    Nothing like being late! But that’s better than not at all, I guess! The corn, bacon, tomato recipe sounds sooo good, Sadly, my daughter can’t eat corn at all! What a bummer!

    How did it make you feel, seeing your old house again? It seems to me that $400,000 is a lot for one that size. Or is it bigger than it looks in the picture? How much property is there? It looks pretty nice. How old is it? – Nothing like being snoopy, right? 🙂

    • Donna says:

      It is better than not at all! That’s sad that she can’t have corn. When it is fresh it’s so good. The house is not big. It was only a few years old when I bought it. But it has 5 acres of beautiful forest.

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