Boles Flowers

These are the early May flowers I saw while walking around at our 1969 Boles Aero trailer in the mountains. It has been a cold spring so the flowers are a little late this year.

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7 Responses to Boles Flowers

  1. Jeanne says:

    Your wildflower pictures are lovely!
    When do you plan to head home?

  2. Jeanne says:

    I’m sure you enjoyed your stay up there!
    Do you know the names of any of the flowers? There’s one that really caught my attention. It’s the fourth row down, the one on the right side – brownish-burgundy, with little tiny white things around the edges. There are way more wildflowers there, than I have ever seen!

    • Donna says:

      I only know the names of a few of the flowers like the lupine. I am not sure what that one is. I downloaded the iplant app and tried it on the first yellow flowers. But it told me it was a plant that grows in Asia. So wasn’t helpful. I will probably try it again. Sue was trying with her plant book without much luck either.

  3. So beautiful! Our wildflowers are a little late too.

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