December Boles Weekend

We headed to our vintage Boles trailer this weekend. En route we saw a herd of elk.

When we got to the Boles on our snowmobiles we found lots of these bobcat prints in the snow.

The sun was out briefly,

and then it started to snow.

The wind was fierce Friday night. Saturday morning the storm was over, and you could see a little of Mount Rainier.

We snowmobiled up to Lion’s Rock to admire the views while we had lunch.

Here is Tom

and my Dad.

Then Tom got quite stuck in the deep snow.

Thankfully with help he got out.

We were able to snowmobile the rest of the day without any major incidents. We had a nice steak dinner Saturday night, and this morning packed up and snowmobiled off the mountain.

We headed to Marko’s in Roslyn to watch the Seahawks lose. And then headed home after an otherwise nice weekend.

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2 Responses to December Boles Weekend

  1. Jeanne says:

    Love your pictures!
    The thought of Tom getting stuck in the deep snow reminded me of my one and only ride on a snowmobile, with a good friend of ours. This guy is a bear-sized man! Probably weighs twice what I do. I was on the machine behind him, and he took a sharp turn, on a rather steep slope. Guess what! Yup! Over we went! I ended up with a huge bruise on my thigh – almost as large as my head!

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