Feathers and Cocks

So this is how our peacock looks this morning. His feathers are almost all gone, and his butt is bare.

The rooster-free zone is now full of roosters. They were raping the hens so much that I couldn’t stand it any longer. I moved the hens out and the cocks in. The worst offenders are in here and more will be added as needed.

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4 Responses to Feathers and Cocks

  1. Washe Koda says:

    Lovely birds 🙂 does the winter bother them up there in Washington? I remember Stevens Pass & Snoqualmie Pass gets 20+ feet of snow but I guess that is up in the mountains 🙂

    • Donna says:

      Thanks! The weather here doesn’t seem to bother them. We do not get much snow here in the lowlands. It is mostly muddy here in the winter. That the peacock doesn’t drag his long feather around in the winter is definitely a plus.

  2. FullyFleeced says:

    sounds like those boys have bought themselves a ticket to freezer camp, eh? so how many roosters do you have these days?

    • Donna says:

      I believe it is 17 that are going to freezer camp next week. I plan on keeping one or two as nice, protective, pretty roosters. So this is a test of who is nice to the hens and who is not. These ones are not! There are 5 in there now with likely more to be added. We will be getting straight run chicks from now on.

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