Jenny, 2001-2016

Jenny died today.  She had been getting thinner and weaker slowly, but we had been supporting her with extra nutrition and TLC.  But today she could not stand up and had to be put down.

Jenny in 2005

Jenny in 2005

We bought her at 4 years and 1 day of age from Ellensburg.  She brought katmoget genetics to our farm.  

Jenny in 2007

Jenny in 2007

In 2007 she had Ewegenie (mioget katmoget) and Jewel (black katmoget).  We have both of them.  





In 2009 she had two more ewe lambs, Jasmine (black katmoget) and Jemima (mioget katmoget).  Jasmine moved to a neighbor down the road.  In fact, she just washed her most recent fleece.  We still have Jemima.

Jenny in 2009

Jenny in 2009

Jasmine and Jemima

Jasmine and Jemima

These were the last lambs she produced for us but she continued to make beautiful wool until 2012 when Denise Mor chose her fleece out of our whole flock when she was 11 years old.  

jenny fleece

But then she gradually got older and more decrepit.  I sheared her this spring for her comfort.

shorn Jenny

shorn Jenny in 2016

And I had been feeding her grain and bread separate from the rest of the flock.

Jenny breakfast in bed

Jenny breakfast in bed

She ate well yesterday and was walking around.  Tom checked the pastures yesterday evening, and she was OK.  But this morning she was down and could not stand.  She did eat a few bites of bread  but was obviously suffering.  So now she is out of pain and disability.  

She was a flighty, completely unfriendly sheep (which is why her earlier photos are so poor) until fairly recently when I started feeding her special.  But she made gorgeous lambs and lovely wool.  I am knitting with her daughters’ wool on my current project.  So her legacy lives on, even if she does not.

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8 Responses to Jenny, 2001-2016

  1. Denise says:

    so sorry. Jenny did have a lovely fleece. And it’s cool that you still have three of her daughters. She had a good long life.

  2. Lois Moore says:

    It is good that you have her daughters still with you…Jenny certainly made her mark on your flock. And somehow the flighty ones who learn to recognize us as friends in their old age do become dear…that breakdown in their veneer lets them bond with us at the end. RIP Jenny.

  3. epeavey1 says:

    We always miss our pets when they pass or have to be put down, I still miss my duck she passed 3 years ago. She was raised from a very small duckling and was always vocal would turn her head when I talked to her. Ellen from Georgia

    • Donna says:

      Thanks Ellen. I am sorry about your duck. Jenny was not much of a pet as she was scared of me most of her life. But I do think she appreciated the TLC I was trying to give her recently., and I appreciated her more too.


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