Martin Luther King Jr. Day

On this day I am remembering the powerful emotions I experienced at the Civil Rights Museum in Memphis from almost 3 years ago, culminating in seeing the balcony he was murdered on. I reread my post about it and the one when we revisited it later in the year. Here are some photos from those trips.

This quote is from 4 days before I was born. I am sure things are better than on that day, but we have a long ways to go.

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4 Responses to Martin Luther King Jr. Day

  1. Jeanne says:

    That was quite an honor for you to be able to visit that MLK site. Not everyone is able to do that.

    I’m glad you already have your COVID vaccine. This is quite a mess, now with all the problems around that!

    Take care!

    • Donna says:

      It was an honor. I had no idea they had such amazing and impactful museum there.

      The vaccine distribution has been a mess so I am happy I have my two. I just hope now that it works for me despite my prednisone.

  2. I love the words on that memorial plaque! Yes, things are better but not by much. My husband and I are scheduled to get our first vaccination tomorrow; we found out veterinarians and their staff are in group 1A so we’re jumping on it. I don’t think I’ve had a vaccination since I got a flu shot when I was pregnant with Brian almost 20 years ago!

    • Donna says:

      He had so many inspiring words but I thought they were worthy, Congratulations on your vaccines- so happy to hear you are getting them!!!

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