Sixteen Tons

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We loaded 16 tons of hay in our hay barn and hay loft over the last couple of days.  This is a video of Thomas loading the hay elevator and Tom stacking the hay in the hay loft.

I was usually the one stacking the hay bales on the elevator while Tom and/or Thomas stacked them in the barns.  Below is a photo of Tom returning one of the empty hay wagons.

Tom bringing empty trailer back

I took this opportunity to take a potty break, forgetting that the barn camera was in my back pocket.  The camera in its case fell in the toilet.  This next photo is of the hay barn full of hay, but you can see some fogginess in the photo.

foggy hay barn

And here is the next photo of the hay loft full of hay.

really foggy hay loft

So it looks like yet another barn camera is toast.  For you longtime readers, how many do you think this represents?  I have lost count.

But at least we have hay (although no barn camera).  It is a nice feeling knowing you have the wintertime food for almost all of our critters.  We are exhausted, sore and glad it is over for another year.

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