March of Fibres sweater

March of Fibres sweater ribbingAbove is the inauspicious beginning of my March of Fibres sweater from April of 2014.  I used a variety of mostly handspun yarns to make this sweater.  Above is a Shetland lamb named Miracle’s wool which I had spun into a lovely soft yarn.

I took this sweater to Black Sheep that year and knit with the World Cup.

knitting with World Cup

I occasionally had to spin more yarn so brought my miniSpinner up to my mother’s cabin to make more.

porch spinning

I also brought it along in the camper van when we went to clean up after my father’s cabin burned down.


I knit during football season (this is the Rose Bowl)

sleeve and Rose Bowl

and baseball season (this is Nelson Cruz’ first at bat as a Mariner).

knitting and Nelson Cruz first at bat

I brought my sweater with me on my 50th birthday trip this spring.

sweater sleeve done

I held my sweater project for a few months while I did my hap shawl but then picked it up again.  I had to spin some more yarn to finish even though my right hand was non-functional with a wasp sting so I plied left-handed.

James yarn with ice and wine

I brought it to Dad’s “cabin” in the camper van one more time.

sweater in camper van

And then this last weekend when we brought the Boles Aero up his mountain I was able to finish it!

sweater in Boles Aero furnishedbeagles and sweater in shade

So each of the animals is knit with fiber from that type of animal.  The sheep are knit with wool from our sheep Hershey, Jocko, Moll and Tanya.  The white Angora is from our bunny Susan.  The goats are knit from our Angora doe Angie and the others from cashmere from several of our goats combined but mostly Shama.  The llamas are knit from wool from our llama Tudor.  The yaks and camels are from fiber I purchased at Black Sheep and spun into yarn.

sweater on table

On the tops of the shoulders are dogs knit from hair from my dog Mica.


Many of our animals that produced fiber for this sweater have since died including Hershey, Jocko, James, Lonny, Reuben, Rhett, Lou, Susan, Angie, Shama, Tudor and Mica.  So this sweater has turned into a tribute to them that now I can appreciate whenever  wear it (when it is cold enough).

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16 Responses to March of Fibres sweater

  1. Wow … that is amazing!

  2. Michelle says:

    It is a work of art and heart, Donna. May we have enough cold and snow this winter that you may enjoy it often!

  3. Sandy says:

    Fantastic. Love that you used the different fibers for the animals!

  4. mcfwriter says:

    This is so awesome, on so many levels, Donna! It’s gorgeous and I am so impressed – what a treasure!

  5. Mom says:

    Wonderful sweater! Calls for a trip back to Alaska to show it off, and see the Northern Lights.

  6. Jackie craw says:

    That is an amazing sweater. A family heirloom!
    Jackie craw

  7. Only just come across this. Better late than never – fabby sweater and it fits you perfectly.

  8. Pingback: Llamas | Schoonover Farm Blog

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