Welcome Rowdy!

We drove down to Buckley to pick him up and bring him home in our livestock trailer.  Here he is looking out of the trailer window.

Rowdy looking out trailer window

He is a Highland bull we are going to use to breed Marji, our Dexter cow.  Here they are meeting for the first time.

Rowdy meeting Marji

Rowdy and MarjiMarji and Rowdy

And here are a couple of photos just of Rowdy.  He is gorgeous.

Rowdy sideRowdy front

Injury Update:  My hand continues to swell, and I am worthless from all the Benadryl I am taking.  Hopefully tomorrow I will be more functional.

swollen hand

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10 Responses to Welcome Rowdy!

  1. Tina T-P says:

    Wow, he is one HANDSOME DUDE! & I love his blondness 🙂
    i”m having trouble with atrial flutter again. I see Dr. Ferrara on Tuesday, he is a cardiophysioligist (or something like that – kind of like a cardiac electrician, said the Nurse Practitioner I spent the afternoon with yesterday) That is to explore doing a cardio ablation to fix the issue rather than the cardio version, which just fixes it until the next time it happens. So annoying. Sorry to read about your hand – those bees sure do a number on you!! Hope it’s better by now. T.

    • Donna says:

      Thanks Tina! Good luck with your cardiophysiologist. I hope he can fix your atrial fib. My hand is still getting worse and I have slept most of the weekend on Benadryls.

  2. Leigh says:

    And what a gentleman Rowdy is! If that was one of my bucks being introduced to a doe, they’d be all over her. I really like the looks of Highland cattle anyway, but he’s especially handsome too.

    Sorry to hear about your bee stings. Stings can be very painful I read somewhere about yarrow salve for bee stings and made some just in case.

  3. What an extraordinary looking bull!

  4. Pingback: My Weekend | Schoonover Farm Blog

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