Wassail Results

Brown Snout

So yesterday Tom and I took a tour of the orchard to see how the trees we wassailed in January fared compared to the ones we did not.  Above is the Brown Snout tree.  It had an average yield but an early drop of apples from the heat and drought.  Below is a Brown Russet which is still developing well and produced a few apples.

Brown Russet

The Brown’s apple below produced better than previous years.

Browns apple

This Kingston Black had no production this year.

Kingston Black

This Cox Orange Pippin (the best apple I have ever eaten) did well this year but is still developing.

Cox Orange Pippen

This is where a young Kingston Black had been.  It produced so many apples that it broke at the graft and had to be removed.

Kingston Black post

This Kingston Black produced no apples but is still growing well.

Kingston Black2

This Cox Orange Pippin had really good production for a small tree.

Cox Orange Pippen2

These two Harry Masters Jersey did great producing a lot of cider apples and are still growing well.

Harrys Masters Jersey

Harrys Masters Jersey2

This Roxbury Russett unfortunately continues to die.

Roxbury Russet

And this Yarlington Mill made no apples at all.  It seems to be going biennial.

Yarlington Mill

So by my count 7 of the trees we wassailed did better than usual, three did worse and the rest are no change.  Compared to the rest of the orchard this is an improvement.  The rest of the orchard had overall decreased production and more worms than usual (which we will be addressing this winter).  I am trying to keep an open mind, and it seems like the Wassail was a success.  Because of additional planting we have no room in the orchard for a large bonfire anymore so cannot have a big party.  But Tom and I are planning a small wassail in January and those that would like to participate can.

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2 Responses to Wassail Results

  1. Tina T-P says:

    Wow, you have a veritable Noah’s ark of fruit trees! T.

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